Happy Tuesday Everyone!
I got this mornings thoughts from The Upper Room Daily Devotional. Words I just needed to hear, so thought I would share!
"Forgiving a person or a group of people is hard if they have greatly wronged us; we often harbor anger and bitterness. We may become suspicious and paranoid, letting that wrong affect every area of our lives. Resentment can damage our bodies like a poison and destroy our relationships. Ironically, our resentment does not harm those who have injured us. We hurt only ourselves.
On the other hand, forgiving others neutralizes the poisons of anger and bitterness. Instead of misery, we can choose joy. We go on without the heavy burden of anger. Our reward for developing a spirit of love is joy. We begin to appreciate the gifts of God. We learn to value the days God gives us, and we can live every area of life to the fullest. When we possess a grateful and forgiving heart, outside circumstances cannot diminish the joy in each day."
-- Upper Room Daily Devotional
Be kind to one another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, as God in Christ has forgiven you. - Ephesians 4:32
Have a wonderful JOYFUL Tuesday!